my essay) should humans conduct experiment on animals? part.
In my opinion, experimenting on animals is necessary.
Scientific experimentation on animals in important for us. It's better to use animals in tests rather than human beings.

It would be terrible if we wxperimented on human beings. As I know, scientists usually experiment on mice or monkeys. This is acceptable to me, because most people consume animal products in some way, and it's morally the same as using animals for legitimate testing.
Furthermore, without animal testing, scientists can not utilize new medicine. The world would be dangerous without scientific experimentation; many people would die without a cure for illnesses.
Animal life is important, but human life is more important! Imagine that, a 5 year old little girl and a dog fell into the sea at the same time, and you could only save one, which would you save first? The 5 year old girl or the dog? Based on moral reasoning, most people would chost the girl first.
How about this, if you were sick would you take the  medicine that hadn't been tested on animals before? You wouldn't know if the medicine was safe or not. Would you take it? I wouldn't take it.
Although, it's not good to do testing on animals for some people. For health reasons, I think it's necessary to do experiments on animals. Bseides, if we don't experiment on animals, we do on humans. It's inhumane to test on humans.
Therefore, I agree with doing experiments on animals to help humans.

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