You have many excuse before, it’s time to through them away. 
You have to learn not to think too much because life just once.
I found you lost yourself the last two months, but life just once, You should be happy everyday even it is hard.

Somethings you may think it is unforgiven, but actually not. It’s not a big deal.
I know you just worried too much, just let it go.
I remember you love exercising, you love dancing, you like reading.
Please do not give up what you like.
I can tell you are trying to make things right; thus, just keeping work hard.
Things may not like what you expected, that is life.
Don’t worry, just listen to your heart.
I believe God is on your side, God will lead you to the right way. 
2016 is coming.
I hope you can become the girl who I know before.
Always smile, kind, not complain and do the right thing.
Keeping fit and studying hard.
To be a better you, hanya.
Hanya Hsu 2015/12/19

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