老師指導後的intro 寫法
There are many different holidays each year.
On the Chinese calendar, we have Chinese New Year, The Lautern Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, and The Moon Festival,etc.
In western calture, there are Valentine's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, for example.
However, the most celebrated day for people no matter westerner or Asian is New Year's Eve.

What is your favorite ethnic cuisine?
There are mamy cuisines in the world. If people would like a light meal with not so much oil, they will chose Japanese cuisine.
If people like a heavy or salty taste, they will chose Indian cuisine.
However, I prefer like Chinese cuisine. There are two reasons.
A Great City For Vacation
Everybody likes vacation. Some like the sunshine and the beach, some like fresh air and the mountains.
Some like to stay in the city. No matter where you choose to go, there is always a way to have fun.
A great city I recommend is Taipei, Taiwan.

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