illness(n)身體不適、疾病                During  his illness,John stayed indoors.

afterward(adv)後來、之後、以後   You left before eleven.What did you do afterward?

I was not feeling well on Friday,but I still went to school anyway.
I made it though the first three classes,but then my illness started to take over.

My teacher asked me if I needed to go to the infirmary,so I went.
On my way to the infirmary,I almost could not hang on  to myself.

When I finally made it there,the nurse told me to lie down on the bed.
She told me that I had caught the flu ,and gave me some medicine to take.

I felt sleepy after I took the medicine,so I slept for a while.
Afterwards,the nurse woke me up.
She said it was lunchtime and that I should go eat now.


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