Hello,everyone. I’m Alice.
Today I would like to introduce a famous tour sight,Tokyo.
What items do we need for the vacation?
I think they are visa,passport,suitcase and cash they are all very important!

Before we go to Tokyo ,we have to prepare something,
like changing money,making a hotel reservation ,seaching for information about
Tokyo and remember to bring a camera!

It's usaully very hot in summer and very cold in winter in Tokyo.
It's a perfect choice to go there in autumn and spring,
because the weather is more comfortablefor us.

Now I would like to introduce お台場(Odaiba).
In Odaiba,we can go round by ship in Tokyo Bay .
It's really romantic at night.
We can also see the Rainbow Brige彩虹大橋there , Japanese drama usually film movies there,too,besides,ferries often show in the drama.

The Fuji TV Building is famous there.
It is an impressive building.
Japanese cartoon often tape this building too!

There is an statue near by the sea,
it’s very beautiful!

When you go to Tokyo for the first time,you might want to go to 淺草寺.
It is a famous temple.
We could try to worship god in a Japanese way,
and also spend 100 japanese dollars to draw!
If we get a good one , we can take it home.
If get a bad one,we should take it to the rack in the temple.

At last,if you are a 宮崎駿 fan , we can't miss the Ghibli-Museum.
In the Ghibli-Museum,we can watch a ten minute movie in free!
The ticket is also special,it's in the shape of a film.
The films of 宮崎駿is amazing,like 神隱少女and霍爾的移動城堡.
It is only in Ghibli-Museum!

Near Ghibli-Museum is the井之頭park.
We can see beautiful sakura in the big and beautiful park in March and April.

It would be an amazing experience to go to Tokyo.
If you have one more chance , I suggest you to go to Tokyou again!
Thank you for your listening.

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