ug    bug(n)蟲子、毛病、錯誤     There might be  some bugs in the machine.
        hug(v.n)擁抱、緊靠            The old friends hugged when they met.
        mug(n)大杯子、鬼臉           He drank a mug of coffee.
        rug(n)小地毯、毛皮地毯      A thick,woolen rug covers the floor behind the desk.

thick(n.a.adv)粗的、厚的                  How thick is the board?
board(n)木板、布告板                      He sawed the board in half.
woolen(n.a)羊毛的、毛織品              She likes to  wear woolen socks in winter.
mud(n)泥、泥漿、毫無價值的東西    He must have been insane to sell his car for the mud.
tub(n)木盆、浴缸、洗澡、一桶         I take a cold tub every morning.
rub(v.n)擦、摩擦                              Give the table a good rub.
suds(n)肥皂水、啤酒(美)                 We like to drink suds together every Friday night. 
sub(n)淺水艇、後補人員                 Livepool brough on their sub at half-time.

Gus runs in the mud.
Gus gets in the tub.
The tub has suds.
Gus rubs and rubs.
Gus has a sub.
A bug is in the sub!
It is fun in the tub.
Gus hugs the bug.


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